Calculus is advanced mathematical subject that is taught in universities and colleges. Calculus consists of differential calculus, which deals with derivatives and rates of change, and integral calculus, which deals with integrals and areas underneath curves.
Even though all of the important content of Calculus is taught in universities or colleges, students can take Calculus in Grade 12. This is a great way to prepare for post secondary level math and to prepare for post-secondary degrees that either are in math or require post-secondary Calculus courses. Our experienced and talented math tutors are prepared to help Calculus 12 students improve their performance in Calculus 12.
Our tutors not only provide help for Calculus 12 students, but also for post-secondary students who are enrolled in first-year Calculus courses. For a list of first-year math courses we provide help for, see our Post-Secondary Math. Our math tutors possess university degrees in math gained from years of studying Calculus and other post-secondary math subjects.